Saturday 17 May 2014

Stalker Talks

Seriously?... I'm like making another post on my blog again 😐. Cuz It had been a whiiiiileeee and I actually thought tht I'd be ended up ditching my own blog hahaha.


well yeah, regarding the title of this post, I'm kinda like very sure that 99.99% of human beings on earth had experienced this. STALKING.

And I'm pretty sure that the 0.01% is my dad, cuz really...he just don't give a shit pretty much for everything except for his career, economy and politics. 😒


I mean yeah, everyone has their own bad habbit right? And we have our own ways upon dealing with it such as having a jar. Those who curse a lot even made their own so called 'curse jar' and me.. I can't even make my own 'stalk jar'... CUZ I CAN JUST BUILD A TOWN WITH IT!!

Really.. i stalk a lot 😒. I just can't help it.

I don't really know how'd I get myself into this but I kinda remember that everything had started like back in 2011...


2011 : well yeah, maigodness I've never been into any person that much, but my obsession is just waaaaayyy over the top. He's my senior, like 2 years older than me.  Muhammad Amin Siddiq, gosh I could still remember like it was yesterday, haaaa

And so, everything started when he accepted my facebook friend request. I started stalking him like twice a week kut . Cuz both of us din get to open up our fb tht often, and frankly speaking, i kind of download almost ALL of his pictures that he had posted on his FB. Gila psycho kan aku ni? Hahahaha

I've had my twitter account at tht time already, he hadn't made any (even till now 😒) so I can't really be considered that much as a 24/7 stalker haha.

Since FB was all I have at tht moment, and I started to think that..

"This is just not good enough"
"I gatta dig deeper"

And that was my very first time, googling someone's name..... Before I googled mine.

That was just fucking crazy. Haha

Haha I mean goosh, if i tell my granchildrens about this, they'd probably think their granny is a goddamn weirdo. Haha

But not 'weirdo' enough.

May 2013.

That shit had become so addictive, it's like a new MORPHINE for me.

It was when I started to have a deep crush, I was like sooooo so so so drunk in love with this man I've met from my same boarding school. Muhammad Ghazali bin Hamzah.

zali , If you're reading this...

Hi . XD

Well If you're not zali then....

Hi . XD.


He has twitter, he's like a bipolar tweeter, there'll be a day that there are shitloads of tweets in his timeline, but there'll also be a day that he won't tweet.

... At all.

We were really into together, we're both know that we're creepy stalkers.... I guess.(zali, sorry if I'm wrong) well at some point, ... Shit happened, and I suddenly felt like I don't wanna love him anymore... I was trynna get over him... I went with a new guy. I never loved tht guy, the only reason we were in a relay is just me wanting to get over him. 

And I realized, no matter what I do, I can't get over him, cuz I just can't get rid of my stalking habit . Even though I've unfollowed him on twitter, but no matter where I am, I'd still be opening up my twitter and search for his twitter account  for every hour I have spent in my whole entire life.

I mean, .. just think. How can you get over someone if you can't stop stalking him/her??

So yeah, and when I realized that my relay with tht guy isn't working, and I don't wanna keep on playing with his heart, so I decided to break up with him. And he seemed, fine.... I guess.

Me and zali, we're both fine now, we're not even in a war or anything. I still reply some of his tweets, faved some, eventhough he knows that I din even follow him on twitter.

Because I just wanna let him know....

Doesn't matter If I still have feelings for him or I don't , I still care bout him no matter what.

I really do ;)

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