Friday 30 May 2014

How Gadgets Affected My Life and Eid.

I was In my room, and my htc one just rang.


Me       : hallooo

Mama : lee nk makan apa?

Me       : Uhh.. nth. nasi paprik lah . Mama.
               kat mna?

Mama : mama kat bilik. satgi mama
               Keluaq la

Me.      :   ........     -,-
               Mma dah tanya bapak nk mkn

Mama : Satgi mama whatsapp bapak

Me       : Bapak kat na?

Mama : Dkt bawah .

Me       :          ..........

If you're in my family... You'll experience this like.. almost, EVERY . SINGLE. TIME.

Well I can tell that almost everyone has their own family whatsapp group. Am I ryte? I mean...can't you see how weird it is that you're communicating with your parents through whatsapp, when they are all currently living under the same roof??

My eid started to change back in 2007 ... It was the year when iPhone was established...I could still remember like it was yesterday ... Lil' Cousins were busy playing games that they have downloaded from the app store, sitting right in front of the tv. ..

2010...when everyone was rich enough to get an iPad. When Plants Vs. Zombies were trending. More and more gadgets were starting to take over my eid.

Somewhere in 2012 , when there were tabs... And Android were at the state of rising, trying to compete with Apple. You can barely install ANYTHING from the App Store and the Android Market.

In another way. I could say that...


When you don't need to pay a single cent just to communicate with others.. (Well yeah except for that you have to pay your internet bills)

Whatsapp. Viber. LINE. Kakao talk. WeChat.

Honestly I tell you, I'd never reply anyone's sms when I already have these. I mean come on. Why would you wanna pay more? The only thing that the society love is to pay less... Or NOT TO PAY AT ALL.

In that very same year, I have no idea how the heck can Twitter and Instagram be so trending, hipsters were moving out from Facebook cuz.. idk.. their mom started to have one too? =p even I myself have no idea when was the last time I logged into my FB...

Such massive destruction I tell ya, my eid back in 2012 was kind of the worst. My mum still havent settled her issues with her siblings at tht time...The grandchildrens were gathering at the living room. Each and everyone of them were doing their own business eventhough they know the fact that the TV was on and none of them including me were even looking at it. Those lil cousins age <12 , play games while us teenagers we were busy with twitter, whatsapp, and idk what else.

Where were these happiness and joy of eid that I used to have before went ?

My grandmother on my mother's side passed away on 18th February 2013, my mother's relationship with her siblings was still not in a good state. In fact, It got worse. So don't you bother asking me how was my last eid.

Cuz I stopped celebrating one.

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