Wednesday 4 December 2013


Soooooo..yeah ..eating Chickens are cool actually..

I love trains...


I know im quite young to talk about life actually....asam garam hidup pun tak cukup rasa lagi..even i dun like to eat asam..i never wanted to eat asam.. So i dunno how ASAM actually tastes like. Ye aku tak layak dipanggil orang melayu . Anywayys They said it's MASAM but where did the letter 'M'  at the front go? To  London?  

Aaaand what i want to here is...

Chickens tastes good actually.

And no im not fat. 

Lets talk about STEREOTYPE .. 

Lemme give you an example of a stereotype.. You automatically assume that I am fat just becuz I often mention the word "Chicken" ....yes..i cant deny that chickens do make you FAT but have i ever told you that i love to eat chicken tweeentyyyy fooourrrrr houuuurrsss??. Tak kan? Haaaa tu laa.. 

And theres this another example..i went balik kampung ..and i met sum makciks..yeah these makciks are kinda annoying..they kept on matching you with their anak menakan...wondering me marrying knoww..those bullshits. Those kampung lifestyle that i really reallyyy hate

Anyways i was about to pass by and this kid who's old enuf to understand english was blocking my way. And i said "excuse me" poliiitelyy and i heard this lady behind me saying i was rude..for saying "excuse me " instead of "tumpang lalu"


You know .... It's annoying tho.. Like really... You can get easily assumed for things that u dun have any intention to do. Well talking bout can say that all apple product users are all rich...but... WHAT IF they're actually not? What if they got those things for free, a birthday present,gift from a lucky draw?

Soooo ...hey..lets just make a self reflex ...i know even i sumtimes get caught up with these kind of things..well you know....everybody makes mistakes..nobody's perfect...i am i am perfect!! 

Naaah was just kidding...

Myyy point iiis.... WE SHOULD NOT EASILY JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS . . Mesti annoying kan if this thing happened to you jugak kan? Sooo think of it.  Make a change 

Just to Say Thanks

Hahahahahahaha okay I should stop laughing. Soo..yeah i just wanna thanks for giving a damn about me. I never thought that my blog would have any viewer tho except for my stalkers..

To my stalkers :

-umm hi.

To anyone except for my stalkers:

-umm hi.

Soooo yeah.

I never thought I would be the one who ended up posting sum shitz in my blog. I never would've thought either that i would be having a blog. Hahahaha this is just weird...well obviously it's 1:24am , im bored, hve just finished my SPM and I've just stalked my crush's blog. I mean... "Hey,how about I make up a blog know for some freaks like me can read it when they have nothing else in this world to do" ...

Or maybe I won't be having any readers then.

So what.

Gash i dun even know what to do with myself anymore.